Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dog Adoption

It is Mélanie’s birthday today and Léah drew a card for her; notice that Léah has included Manchas as a member of our family.


On the subject of Manchas, he decided to join me for my morning run today. I don’t recall inviting him but when I came out of the house in my running gear, there he was waiting. There aren’t any leash or pooper-scooper laws in Costa Rica (at least none that I know of) so he tagged along beside me the entire way (except when he had to stop to do his business and then he would easily catch up). His endurance was pretty remarkable and in this sun, heat, and humidity, he could easily outpace me. Maybe I should outfit him with a huge tank of water so that he can rescue me when I am ready to pass out from heat exhaustion?