Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Bevy of Bacteria

Léah has been very ill for the last week. It started right before her 8th birthday with symptoms of a stomach flu. She was literally bedridden for 5 days straight and we knew that something was definitely wrong when there were signs of internal bleeding on the 4th day. After a few visits to the nearby clinic, we had some lab tests done and it was discovered that she has 2 heavy-duty bacteria in her body. You can read about them here and here but just a warning, the details might make you queasy. Léah is on antibiotics for the next 7 days, and we have to watch her closely for fever and other symptoms.

We were very worried about Léah especially on the night of September 15 when she was writhing in pain. We are 60 minutes away from one of the best hospitals in Latin America (one of the reasons why we chose this area of Costa Rica) but 60 minutes seems like 60 light-years when your child is very sick. Plus, driving the Costa Rican roads at night is not advisable so you better hope that the emergency visit to the hospital is at daytime.

This Central American experience is wonderful in many ways and most of the content on this blog so far has been very positive. However, this experience is not for the faint of heart and we do question the challenges at times.

We had planned a surprise one-week family trip and we are scheduled to leave tomorrow. The kids don’t have a clue where we are going (and I am not going to tell you either, dear reader). The doctors said that as long as Léah doesn’t have a fever, she can fly tomorrow.